中国 - 菲律宾:  国际贸易  (按Sylodium,  全球  进口出口  目录中)。

After more than two years of inactivity (since Guangzhou), China's largest trade organization will talk with Filipino partners to promote business relationships with the Philippines.

This April 16 Chinese delegation met with Filipino businessmen involved in the sectors of  energy, import and export, services, mining, transportation, real estate, construction, agriculture and leather goods manufacturing.

The PCCI and the CCPIT (Filipino Institutions) have advisors and experts to help entrepreneurs start or transact business with the Chinese. We know that Phillipines is one of the Next 11, and besides the ASEAN bloc, they have to continue narrowing ties with many countries, like China. 

In Sylodium (国际贸易,目录) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities like: 北京(中国),马尼拉(菲律宾)。上海(中国) - 宿务(菲律宾)......